Personal Property

Buyer and Seller understand and agree that the personal property described in the attached inventory is not included in the sales price and will be transferred to Buyer by way of a Bill of Sale to be paid through escrow at closing for a total purchase price of $_________.

 Seller agrees to deliver to Buyer prior to closing all blueprints, architect's drawings, landscape architect designs, and all building and landscaping specifications, surveys and maps describing the property, presently in the Seller's possession. Said items to be free of all liens and encumbrances.

Seller shall provide Buyer with a complete inventory of all items to be included in the sale of this property within five (5) calendar days of acceptance of this offer. Buyer shall approve same in writing within three (3) calendar days of receipt or this offer shall be null and void with all deposits returned to Buyer less any escrow expenses chargeable to Buyer. Said items to be conveyed to Buyer by a Bill of Sale free of all liens and encumbrances.

 The purchase price includes those items on the inventory list attached hereto. These items are being conveyed in "AS IS" condition. This offer is contingent upon the Buyer's examination and approval of the inventory within five (5) calendar days from acceptance of this offer. If Buyer does not approve of inventory, Buyer may declare this contract null and void by giving written notice to Seller within the time specified. No response from the Buyer within the time specified shall be deemed approval. Said items to be conveyed to Buyer by a Bill of Sale free of all liens and encumbrances.

Seller to provide Buyer with a complete furniture inventory within five (5) calendar days of acceptance of this offer. Buyer's obligation to buy is conditioned upon Buyer's written approval of same within three (3) calendar days of receipt. Said items to be conveyed to Buyer by a Bill of Sale free of all liens and encumbrances.

 The personal property and fixtures listed in this contract are included in the purchase price and shall be the same property shown to Buyer or located in the property immediately prior to the signing of this contract. Seller or Seller's agents shall make no substitutions unless agreed to by Buyer in a written agreement signed by both Buyer and Seller. Said items to be conveyed to Buyer by a Bill of Sale free of all liens and encumbrances.

It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that the (list the property) is not to be included in this sale. The Seller will replace said (list the property) with similar items paid for by Seller with a cost not to exceed $________________. Said property to be conveyed to Buyer by a Bill of Sale free of all liens and encumbrances.

Buyer and Seller understand and agree that the personal property described in the inventory shown below is not included in the sales price and will be transferred to Buyer without warranty of condition by way of a Bill of Sale to be paid _____(__) days prior to close of escrow for a total purchase price of $________ payable to Seller.

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________

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