Permits Disclosure (Non-Permitted)

Permit Disclose consisting of 3 pages Fill-In
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Buyer is aware that the _____________ _____________________________ was built without a building permit, does not conform to the tax office records, and may not meet current building codes. Therefore, if the structure is destroyed in the future, Buyer may not be able to rebuild it under the present zoning code. In addition, Buyer is aware that to obtain a permit, the County Building Department may require additional work to be done and/or demolition of the existing improvements. The Seller shall not be required to make any repairs or pay for any expenses with respect to any nonconformance. The Buyer hereby accepts the property in this "as is" condition and releases and agrees to hold harmless, the Seller and the Seller's and Buyer's agents from any and all claims arising from or connected with said nonconformance and lack of building permits.

Seller agrees to provide permits for additions and/or renovations to the property which were not properly obtained or shown in the public records. Seller's cost to obtain permit(s), including costs to correct deficiencies required to obtain permits, shall not exceed $_________. If costs exceed this amount, Buyer and Seller shall, within five (5) calendar days from the determination of said costs, mutually agree in writing on the amount of the excess that each of the parties shall pay. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, this Sales Contract shall terminate, and all deposits shall be returned to Buyer less all settlement costs chargeable to Buyer.

Seller warrants that Seller used a licensed contractor and that this dwelling has been constructed in keeping with standards generally accepted in the community, that it is habitable, and that all elements, both interior and exterior, will be in a finished condition upon delivery. Seller shall convey to Buyer all existing contractor's guarantees: (a) against defective materials and workmanship and (b) that dwelling has been built in accordance with the plans and specifications. Should contractor's guarantees not exist or be insufficient to assure correction of defects within one year of recordation of this contract, Seller agrees to provide such warranty in accordance with this paragraph. Seller also warrants that (a) the design of the building is sufficient to avoid water penetration; (b) there are no mechanics liens on this property; and (c) that if time for filing liens has not expired and any mechanics liens due to Seller's responsibility are subsequently filed, Seller shall be financially responsible for clearing liens.

Buyer's obligations hereunder are contingent upon the Buyer obtaining a building permit to (write in what permit is for) within ____ (___) calendar days from acceptance of this offer. If Buyer is unable to obtain said permit within the time specified, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to Seller; in such event, all deposits shall be returned to Buyer, less any escrow expenses chargeable to Buyer.

 Seller certifies that all the necessary building permits for the property improvements are in place, and that any required City and County inspections have been satisfactorily completed. If the necessary permits and approvals are not in place, Seller agrees at its expense to obtain said items. The Seller's cost to correct any and all non conformities shall not exceed $_______. If the value of repairs exceed this amount, Buyer and Seller shall mutually agree on how the additional cost shall be absorbed. If no agreement can be reached, this contract is null and void and all deposits shall be returned to Buyer, less escrow expenses chargeable to Buyer.

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