The property is zoned (type of zoning) and is a lawful non-conforming structure. The buildings do not conform with the current zoning laws of the City though they are permitted because they were constructed when a different zoning was in effect. As a non-conforming structure, there are restrictions on the owner's right to rebuild if the improvements are destroyed or demolished. This may cause problems with respect to financing, re-construction, repair, use, property values and re-sale. The Buyer understands the consequences of this non-conformity and agrees to accept this condition "AS IS." Buyer has not relied upon any statement or representation by Seller or ABC Broker concerning such structure.

Buyer acknowledges that the property is considered a legal non-conforming use in the zoning category of surrounding property. Buyer is independently satisfied as to whether or not the intended use is grandfathered and understands all the legal possibilities, ramifications and requirements relative to the use of the property.

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