Land Purchase Clauses

1. The Purchase Price includes all crops: water, sewer and utility rights: surveys, engineering, maps and plans recently prepared for the use of the property. Copies of items relating to development of the property to be handed to Buyer within ____ days after acceptance.

2. Increased deposit clauses:
Prior to_______ 20, Buyer to hand escrow an additional deposit of $ __________________
Prior to_______ 20, Buyer to hand escrow an additional deposit of $ __________________
Prior to_______ 20, Buyer to hand escrow an additional deposit of $ __________________
Prior to_______ 20, Buyer to hand escrow an additional deposit of $ __________________
Should Buyer fall to timely make any of the above deposits, Seller may then terminate this agreement.
 3. Purchase price is formulated and to be adjusted at dosing based on:
$ _____ per square foot of real estate conveyed. (or $_____ per acre or fraction of an acre of real estate conveyed)  The exact size of the real estate conveyed to be established and handed to escrow by a licensed surveyor employed by the Buyer.

Note for Land Purchase

A NOTE, for a portion of the purchase price, in the amount of $ ___________ to be executed by Buyer in favor of Seller and secured by a _______ trust deed on the property being purchased, payable $ __________monthly, or more, beginning one month after closing, including interest at ________percent from closing, due and payable _____ years after closing. This note and trust deed to contain provisions provided by Seller for: O due on sale, O prepayment penalty, and O late charges.

Buyer to provide a Request for Notice of Delinquency to senior encumbrances.

Buyer to hand Seller a completed credit application on acceptance. Seller may terminate this Agreement within--_____ days after acceptance by handing Buyer, Buyer's broker or escrow written Notice of Cancellation based on disapproval of Buyer's credit.

The attached subordination agreement is an addendum to this agreement.

Limit of Seller Liability.

Pursuant to any inspections of any kind whatsoever including but not limited to Hazardous Material of any Class, treatment, storage and/or disposal thereof, if any repairs or remedial action are necessary, Seller shall have the option of completing them or refusing to complete them. If Seller elects not to complete the repairs, then Buyer shall have the option of accepting the Property in its present condition or terminating this contract, in which case all earnest monies shall be refunded to Buyer less any Buyer fees and costs.

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